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CAS Number: 159518-86-2
Macadamia nut oil is obtained from the macadamia nut, a tree that grows mainly in Australia, South Africa and the Pacific regions.

The oil content of the fresh nut is 75%. The cold pressed oil is pale yellow or gold with a characteristic odour. It is customary to use the refined quality which is almost colourless/a pale yellow and is almost odourless. Macadamia nut oil contains 80% monounsaturated fatty acids, with a ratio of 3:1 oleic and palmitoleic. It is one of the oils with a higher content of palmitoleic, about 20%, and it is this content that differentiates it from other oils.

This oil is easily absorbed in the surface layers of the skin with an anti-inflammatory action. It is also valued for its draining action, anti-inflammatory and protection of the circulatory system. For facial and body application. It has emollient, nourishing, softening and firming properties.
